CH 5 -17


January 3, 2014

Ch 5-18

January 3, 2014

44 Thoughts on CH 5 -17

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  1. Sharean, I love reading ur work! AMBW relationships are so awesome xD

  2. gaaaah update i need this in my life more!!!

    • Hahaha! XD Only 5 more days till the next update~e =3 (5 days can feel so long though >< but hang in there!)

      • 5 more days?! I’m so excited I can’t wait!

        • You must Kayla! You must, here hold my hand and we can do this together! *holds out hand*

        • *holds Morishita-san’s hand* I can do this!

  3. Oh my! I need more…I’m completely hooked.I read all of it in a few hours since I’ve found this today.

    • Q^Q It took me almost a year to draw everything and you finished it in only a few hours XD That’s so funny but a little sad Hahahaha! I need to get robotic arms or make and andriod body of myself so that I can work faster, faster, faster~r X3

  4. Hi

    first of all I love your work!! I’ve only just discovered you today via a Facebook link. Can I ask a couple of questions?

    Do you do mangas in the japanese story style as well as korean (I mean like kamisama hajimashite, bleach, naruto etc)?

    How many are available to buy in print?

    And finally, I am from the UK. I would like to know if you ship here?

    thank you!

    • Hi Samantha ^^ Feel free to ask me as many as you would like. For the first question, I draw the comics in the western time of format but my style of drawing is very cartoonish with a touch of realism =3
      Right now I’m taking pre-orders for the next print version for volume one so it all depends on how many people will order it because I recently sold out of the stack that I had left over from my first print run.

      Now for the shipping, unfortunately I’m unable to ship internationally but I am looking for a way to solve that. So far I’ve found a possible distributor to help me solve that problem. I have to make sure that I meet all of the requirements then I should be able to ship overseas without any problems <3 I'll make sure to post an update about that ^^


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3