Ch 8 Page 2

Ch 8 Page 1

May 16, 2015

Ch 8 Page 3

May 16, 2015

4 Thoughts on Ch 8 Page 2

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  1. i read this page and laughed so hard i fell out my bed HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

  2. I love it! This page made me lol when I first saw it. Side note: I grew up more like Jae-hwa, I have so many “cousins” and real family that it wasn’t a big deal to have non blood related people over in my house. But no boys allowed in my room was the deal. I still live with my mom and I still adhere to that rule even when I do have male people over.

  3. I love this page so much!

  4. I’ve read the story from the beginning again, and I had to cry more than once – the story you tell is absolutely lovely and Oriana’s feelings are so understandable and… real! It’s touching and I enjoyed every page up to now!
    (and on top of that I have to add: Oriana has the cutest nose I have ever seen in a comic! <3 )
    I'm looking forward to every single upload from you =) It is not easy to reach such a high page number (I reached p. 125 in my story last week – and it took me much more time than you did), so I admire your stamina! =) You are amazing and I hope the coming pages will be as filled with life as the ones so far are 😉

    Best wishes,


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3