Her hair is a very thick and strong curly texture so even with relaxers or perms it still isn’t 100% straight. I’ve had this happen when I was younger, the relaxers wouldn’t really work on my hair or it would poof out the same day after sweating and such. I’m not sure if this has happened to other people but it sure has happened to me and I would get so agitated XD
Out of the mouth of babes. I like how you summed up and dismissed the “hair wars”. Isn’t the goal healthy hair and the person’s preference?
So wait, is the lady suppose to have a magic perm in her hair now? Because magic perms make the hair like a Asian or white hair and not poofy 0.0
Her hair is a very thick and strong curly texture so even with relaxers or perms it still isn’t 100% straight. I’ve had this happen when I was younger, the relaxers wouldn’t really work on my hair or it would poof out the same day after sweating and such. I’m not sure if this has happened to other people but it sure has happened to me and I would get so agitated XD
Please update soon!!! It’s sooooooo good!!!! I love her sense of style and confidence.