BPL Comic Con Event! Comic updated

BPL Comic Con Event! Comic updated

Hi you guys! Today’s comic has been updated and updates on the main site might be a little slow because of the extra work that I’ll be doing to get Volume 3 finished up before I start the kids Homeschooling again this month. My Patreon site will still continue to be updated each week but for this site it will be a bit choppy.

With that being said I’m super excited to be attending Burlington Public Library Comic convention on August 8th, which is next Saturday, I’m not sure how many local readers but if you all want to attend a fun family friendly one day comic convention then come on over to Burlington! Speaking of local readers I just remember this very funny and strange little thing that happened to me after I had finished attending a local comic book convention as one of the local comic artist; After the event was over I was exhausted but needed to go to Target so while walking around Target trying to find what I was looking for I walked past these two young children and I heard one whisper  “Dad! That’s her, that’s the girl from the comic convention!” and it caught me off guard and kind of made me snicker a little to myself because I realized just how much of a small town our area is <D Of course I have had other times where I didn’t want to be recognized by other people because they gave off a sort of strange/scary type of vibe ^^; but that’s a whole different frustrating story, let’s just say I’m glad we don’t live in that area anymore <3

Anywhoo~ Here is the facebook page for BPL Comic Con, I hope you all have a great weekend! I’m off to work on 10 comic pages and hopefully get those all finished today and squeeze in two more and then hit the gym before it get’s crowded, I’m a total hermit crab and don’t do well when it comes to being around large groups of people for an extended period of time….which is weird because I do just fine at Comic conventions but I think that’s just because just about everyone at the convention has a common interest, art! ;D

Comic updated and bunny pictures!

August 1, 2015

Comic Updated + News!

August 1, 2015