Comic and Kickstarter Update!

Hi everyone! I’m back with another comic and kickstarter update! We have 221 days left so far and are at about 18% towards our goals and I wanted to thank everyone that has helped us get this far by spreading the word and making a pledge! If the kickstarter doesn’t go through no one will have to worry about being charged. Again thank you all for the kind comments and support!

For more side news all three of the kids will now be doing their K-12 school work at home and I’ve been getting my mind mentally prepared to fill in the shoes as their learning coach and to also let them know that we are going to make lots of mistakes and that’s okay because we are learning and we should never give up! Mistakes are A-Ok! Keep going and keep trying! It’s something that I have to keep telling myself because of the fear of messing up or failure but if you don’t give up and keep going even if you trip and stumble sometimes just learn from it and keep on trying.

We got this! We can have a fun and educational school year! With Love! Love! Fighting! finally over I have a new path that I’ve been thinking of taking my site. Since I love creating stories I’m thinking about molding my site into a sort of Mother Goose story site where you can read all of the finished stories that I have. Not one story will be the main center but more like a Mother Goose Library of sorts…just with comics 😀

Anywhoodle! Off to get some more work done and rest my poor back because my bones are doing crazy things but that’s okay! I’m fine, everything is totally fine. This is fine. ;D

Kickstarter Live! Finale volume!

August 19, 2016

Comic Updated! 13 Days left for the Kickstarter!

August 19, 2016