I decided to do a 3 page comic update for today’s comic post and we are also 13 days away from the end of Love! Love! Fighting! volume 3 kickstarter! Thank you to everyone that has helped show support by spreading the word or backing this project, it really means so much!
Some behind the scenes update, we finished our first week of the next homeschool year and so far we’ve been able to stick to our school work schedule. I am now currently the learning coach for all three of my children. We do their schooling through the K-12 program so all of their material and school curriculum is sent to them and set by IAVA so it’s still under public school but it’s all done in the comfort of our home and I handle all of the responsibilities to coach them through each lesson and assessment (a.k.a. Learning Coach) I really love being able to be such a big factor in my children’s education and it’s even more of a plus having them safe at home with me. I’m totally going to be that mom crying when they grow up and decided to finally live out on their own XD (I’ll be fine I’m sure no need to worry) but until then I’m going to enjoy them at the age they are at now and build as many happy and educational memories with them as I can <3
That’s all for today’s update! I’ll be back next week with our next comic post!