Ch1 6

May 4, 2012

Ch1 8

May 4, 2012

6 Thoughts on Ch1 7

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  1. I’m thing from being ill, so they offer miracle cures to stop my illness.
    Won’t work.

  2. Uhhhh….cant say I have…but most of my coworkers and I have curves lol I hear people talk when I wear my shorts…but I dont care! It 100 degrees I need some air flow!lol

    • It’s not as hot over here but I still feel uncomfortable. Just today while I was working on this page I was sitting in my chair and started to sweat because of lack of air so I understand the importance of needing air flow. I had to get up and turn on the air conditioning in the house. I just couldn’t take it anymore ^^;

  3. This is really great so far ^_^
    Oh, and i believe that the “patients” in panel 4 should be “patience”
    and maybe the word balloon should say “I’m free to talk”?

    Your style is lovely darling ^_^

    • Thank you Annalee! I thought that I was spelling it the wrong way but my computers dictionary is just as crazy/stupid as me because it told me that it was correct.
      *kicks laptop*
      See I knew I should have spelled it the other way~ I’ll go ahead and fix that right up! Thank you so much again and if you find any other errors feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to fix it. I appreciate you letting me know because I wouldn’t have realized the wrong spelling till someone else pointed it out ^^;

      • No problem! I know I make spelling mistakes in everything, and its hard to notice on your own 😉


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