No Updates Today (Ω_Ω)Sick Family~

Unfortunately there won’t be any updates today. Me and my three kids are sick with something that I can only think is some weird stomach virus. I hope to be over this quickly because I still have a lot of work that needs to be done by next week.

I’ll try to get better soon and I hope to have an update ready for you next week.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!! + Raffle time!

April 12, 2013

Quick update <3

April 12, 2013

8 Thoughts on No Updates Today (Ω_Ω)Sick Family~

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  1. Hope you all get better! Take your time!

    • Thank you~ Me and my crazy babies are doing a lot better now so back to work for me XD

  2. The stomach is the serious. So rest up well and drink a lots ginger ale to be back healthy as a Gaint sweet cake. And hope your family feel better so they can run arpind crazy again. Lol! ^Π^

    • You’re so sweet ^^ Thank you Toshiro! We’re doing much better now but ginger ale would have been a great idea! I ended up drinking a tone of Gatorade and ended up eating a lot of grits but we’re all doing much better now so yay! <3

  3. I hope you and your family gets better and take all the time you need <3

    • Thank you Lina~ We’re doing much better now so I’m back to grind *is that the correct way to say that saying?* ^^;

  4. Stomach virus is really horrible. Get some rest and I hope you four gets better soon. ^_^

    • Thank you so much <3 Me and the kids are doing a lot better now ^^

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