Hi everyone! It’s Valentine’s day! and guess what movie I’m going to watch to enjoy this day? That’s right! Riddick!!! That’s such an awesome movie <3 ~le sigh~A nice good action flick, perfect for Valentine’s day <3
Also, as some of you all can see from the title, the books have arrived! They actually arrived about 2 day’s ago or so but I wasn’t finished with the gift art print until today. So I will get the picture printed out and start mailing off all of the pre-orders today <3 I really hope you all enjoy it! I’m so happy and grateful to everyone for all your kind comments and support! I have to work on volume 2 for now and I plan on doing a kickstarter to raise the funds to make a small print order so that I can re-stock my online store and hopefully ship some out to my out of country readers.
There was something else that I wanted to say but I totally blanked(just remembered, right now I will be out of stock of Volume 1 but if the kickstater is successful then I will be able to restock the online store and also post up Volume 2 a well =3) out so….that’s all for today! I hope you all enjoy today’s page update and here is a Happy Valentine’s Day gift for all of you. I’ll attach it to this post instead of sending off a mass amount of emails like I did last year ^^;
P.S. If anyone is interested in commissioning me to draw them their own personal picture then feel free to check out my prices over at my art portfolio. I manage two websites, one is this comic site and the other is my art/visual novel site ^^