New Page updated, busy, busy, busy ^^

Hi everyone! Are you all enjoying this lovely crazy weather we’re having?……okay.

Well hopefully today’s comic update can help make your day a little better just encase you were having a bad one ^^; Also I just wanted to give a slight head’s up that the month of March is going to be super busy for me. I have two projects that I will be working on back to back and I won’t be able to respond to all of my comments but do know that I do read each and every one and they really do help give me a little boost. Once I get done writing up the rest of this chapters script then I will try to reply to all the comments that I have today.

On that note, I’m trying to get all the chapters written out and draw up but it looks like my buffer of comic pages is starting to run out so if I’m not able to get a whole chapter finished before the comic pages run out then I will have to go on a mini-hiatus until I can have the next 30 pages finished. My plan was to have 50pages for each chapter for volume 2 but so far I think it would be better to cut it down to possibly 30 so that it doesn’t feel to overwhelming and too over stuffed. I might add more, depending on how many pages I need to tell each chapter but right now I plan on having Volume 2 be 130 pages long.

I’ve also set the date for the kickstarter for Volume 2 to be in April, I want to do it at the start of April and then hopefully it will be a successful kickstarter so that I can make a larger print run of Volume 1 and 2 and restock the stores and hopefully ship it to my international readers. I’m so nervous and excited and then on top of that I will be debuting vol2 at Anime Expo. I plan on having it off to the printers in the middle of June and then ready for everyone at the convention. I’ll put them up for sale online after Anime Expo so for those of you that are in the Los Angeles  area on April 3-6 and are going to Anime Expo, why not stop by to get your own copy? Of course my kickstarter backers will get first dibs on the book and hopefully if I meet my stretch goals I might be able to switch my update schedule from once each week to twice a week. We’ll have to wait and see what happens <3

That’s all that I have to say for now, I just want to give you all a little update on what’s going on. I’m about to put on my head phones and get back to my script, I’ve re-written chapter 6 and 7 so many times but I think I finally founds something that’s going to be so much fun to read! It even makes me giggle a little when I think about it so I’m excited =D, back to work!

Thank you for stopping by and reading this little comic of mine! I’ll be back with another update next week! (Also we’re getting close to our 2 year website annivarsary! Yay!!)

Comic Update Books have arrived!!

February 21, 2014

Comic Update and Patreon News

February 21, 2014

2 Thoughts on New Page updated, busy, busy, busy ^^

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  1. Thank you Mrs. Morishita. I received my copy and I’m so excited! The only thing is I got my copy of your beautiful work (NOT the book thank GOD) but it was damaged through the mail. I’m going to cheerish it dispite the mail handlers failure to process the mail properly, I think I’ll laminate it. I want to thank you so much and keep up the work. I’m waiting for vol. 2.

    • Oh no!! Q^Q I’ll have to try to figure out another way to ship off prints without them getting damaged, I thought that maybe the extra padding of the cardboard would help protect it but I guess not ;^; Thank you so much for letting me know that you received the book! I get so worried and it makes me so happy to know that others received the books safely. I don’t think anyones ever told me that they were going to laminate my work <3 I feel so honored! Again, thank you so much! Your comment really makes me smile <3 I'll make sure to do a blog post when volume 2 is up and ready =D

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