Comic Update-Vol 3. & Kami-Con News!

Hi guys! I’m back with another comic update and also to let you all know that I received my acceptance email from Kami-Con so I will be attending that comic convention in Birmingham, AL in January of 2017! Once I receive the table placement I will update you all on that!

I’ve been fighting off a terrible cold so I haven’t been feeling well enough to sit up and work on my 3 page a day comic page but I’m slowly starting to feel better (yay! It’s not painful to breath anymore!) I hate catching a cold and this one seemed to have been a very nasty one so I hope you all stay wrapped up, even if it feels warm outside my mom would call that flu weather so still stay protected when you go outside to let you body slowly adjust!

Thank you all for your continual support! For those who missed the chance to get their own copy of the final volume of Love! Love! Fighting! Volume 3, thanks to the support of all of you readers and for my mom and Grandpa I will have them book on my online store for you all to order from. I will also be bringing all 3 volumes to Kami-Con so if you’d like to have your copy signed make sure you stop by my table! I also hope to have Rescue Me Finished and a small print run funded so that I can debut that story there as well!

To find the online store to order your own copy of Love! Love! Fighting! Volume 3 click this link HERE


Comic updated! & Story preference thoughts

October 29, 2016

Rescue me up on Patreon & Comic Update!

October 29, 2016

2 Thoughts on Comic Update-Vol 3. & Kami-Con News!

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  1. WooHoo! I really enjoyed reading the Love Love Fighting 3 part manta and thank you for the adorable bookmark too!! I wish you well in both Kami-con and in getting over your cold!!

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed it Erin! Thank you so much for supporting my work and leaving me a kind comment like this! <3 I also have lots of tea to help kick this cold to the curb ;D

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