Loving this….As for what she’s eating…last time I checked , melon bread is a Japanese thing not a Korean thing. ( but one might get lucky and find it somewhere in Korea – depends on the stores / locations….maybe it’s just like how melon pan is not easy to find in America but every once in a while you get lucky and find someplace that sells it. )
I kind of based it off of this egg bread that I saw in a documentary, I believe it was called Kyeranppang but the one that she is eating doesn’t have the whole egg cooked in it but it has sweet flavoring or sugar on her’s. I’ll have to look online again to see if I can find the exact picture that I based this off of ^^;
Loving this….As for what she’s eating…last time I checked , melon bread is a Japanese thing not a Korean thing. ( but one might get lucky and find it somewhere in Korea – depends on the stores / locations….maybe it’s just like how melon pan is not easy to find in America but every once in a while you get lucky and find someplace that sells it. )
I think it might be melon bread but I could be wrong . . . I’m sure I’m wrong . XD
I kind of based it off of this egg bread that I saw in a documentary, I believe it was called Kyeranppang but the one that she is eating doesn’t have the whole egg cooked in it but it has sweet flavoring or sugar on her’s. I’ll have to look online again to see if I can find the exact picture that I based this off of ^^;
i wonder if that guy has a problem with their grandfather…..lol that would explain that stank eye!
;D You shall find out hopefully soon~