Ch 4 17

August 16, 2013

Ch 4 19

August 16, 2013

11 Thoughts on Ch 4 18

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  1. I’ve definitely experienced people talking about me. And it’s usually confirmed when it gets back to me xP

    And it’s definitely something more common now that I moved with my mom. Our neighbor just recently accused us of robbing their house(we’re one of the few black families in the neighborhood) after they moved out. It baffled my stepdad and it made us wonder exactly what else they was saying about us.

    I can look at a person or hear about a person and I usually can say whether I’ll like this or not. and when I give them a chance(while on my guard), they show me exactly what I need to know about them

    And each time I see this page, I love it :3

    • Forgot to add: The neighbor acted so friendly and was like “Oh, it’s cool, it’s cool~” but his body language and the way he carried himself told a different story in my eyes

      • OOOHHHH! I can’t STAND that! It’s like, I know you don’t like me so don’t try to be all fake nice to me. UghhhH! I have my fair share of stories to tell but I’ll just add it to the comic to help give the story a little bit of spice. Crazy people are like great story generators, don’t you think so too?
        Hang in their! Just know that I’m right here getting annoyed right along with you by crazy acting people <3

  2. She stood her ground like she always does. And I’m glad she did. After what happened on the last show. She doesn’t want to go through that again.


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3