CH 5 08

CH 5 07

October 18, 2013

Ch5 09

October 18, 2013

5 Thoughts on CH 5 08

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  1. It’s not like Krisa’s sister is all that skinny! She’s one to talk!

  2. Nice to see that despite her sometimes insensitive…thoughtless…and sneaky words and actions , deep down she really does care for her sister. As for the other sister….I have a feeling she’s not the same way and is a total brat – ( “nicer” way of putting it ) – but I could be wrong.

  3. Good girl, Krisa ^__^ But, Krisa’s sister…I’m sure she has her reasons, but she’s rather unpleasant.

  4. I like your ideas. Keep it up. (⌒▽⌒) Plus that was kind of rude what Krisa sister said. I know she didn’t think that Oriana was going to eat them all to herself. That was uncalled for.

    • It’s annoying when people are trying to act sneaky/smart mouthed but it’s also annoying when someone is trying to treat you like a child and moderate how much you eat, like as if you don’t have that ability on your own =_= I really can’t stand that….


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3