Ch 8 Page 7

Ch 8 Page 6

June 21, 2015

Ch 8 Page 8

June 21, 2015

5 Thoughts on Ch 8 Page 7

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  1. I absolutely adore this comic. You maybe have seen my comments and this is great.

    I just find myself struggling to keep up with it, not because of the posting schedule, but it’s been so long since it’s beginning and I still feel like I’m waiting for more explanation of some of the characters. I just wish we spent more time in a place with a few characters, having real discussions more often. I’m not trying to be a hater, just thought I’d share a minor critique because I absolutely adore this entire series(every update I post links on my blogs). There are so many characters and it may help to focus in a bit more and go back to somethings that have been brought up. I know you probably know where everything is going! And I love everything that’s been written, but since the adventure where our beautiful heroine got lost in the city (I lol’d so much and felt so bad for her) we haven’t really had too many things feel like they’ve moved forward. By that I mean we have all of these fascinating family and identity and self-love issues given to us that are positively juicy, but it is starting to feel like those things kind of trail off and then we’re onto the next juicy thing. I just wouldn’t mind seeing the family interact some more, particularly with their grandfather. Once again I adore your comic and you are so talented! I’m a loyal reader, but it just feels like there is SOOO much to keep up with in terms of active unresolved plotlines and points. It could be an issue that may be easily solved with just a character and storyline page being uploaded every once in a while, so we can recall where everyone is at.

    Huge fan!
    Peace and blessings,

    • First, thank you so much for leaving me a comment about your concern with the story pacing, I will definitely start paying more attention to the character development and closing plot lines to help even the story pacing and world of the characters out more for future chapters. Right now we’re in volume 2 of the comic so there are still a few more chapters with this pacing but I’m currently working on volume 3 and I think the points you brought up is exactly what I’ve been fussing over with the script. The events that the characters get into are fun but the point or the finished plot lines are more important so I’ll definitely work out and improve that part with my script.
      Second, no worries with being worried to tell me about some of the concerns you have with the storyline, I’m so grateful that you told me in a kind and understanding way! My goofy temperamental self is able to really sit back and take in what’s being addressed a lot easier and quicker when it’s given to me in such a friendly and considerate way like you did. So thank you again so much for being kind with your words and with me because it’s definitely a learning process and I hope to keep learning and growing more so that I can make more stories for our small group to have fun reading! <3

  2. I used to love doing yard work before my bug phobia kicked in. If I don’t have to go out I won’t.

  3. I think I did yard work, like heavy duty, back breaking…this feels awful… yardwork exactly one time. When we lived with our uncle, my sister and my cousins and I had to take the branches of a prickly bush hedge and put them by the curb. Easy enough-just don’t get stung right?

    Not exactly. When my uncle sawed off the branches they stayed in place. So we had to “find” the cuttings then gather them and then take them to the curb. My poor hands! They were so hurt. I hated it and I got so many splinters and pricks.

    My mom never made me do that again. She did however make me rake the yard, take out the trash…but to me anything was better than gather thorny branches on a hot summer day and not being let into the house because we were letting the air out.

    Poor Oriana. I get volun-told to do a lot so I totes feel her pain.


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3