Ch2 11

September 7, 2012

Ch2 13

September 7, 2012

21 Thoughts on Ch2 12

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  1. Oh my is it friday again. Time is going by to fast for my liking xD. I love this page I also love Orianas nickname for jae hwa. Poor thing he needs a nap so badly QuQ <3

    • Time really is going by fast. It’s really starting to feel like there’s not enough time in the day to do a whole lot of things.
      I’m really happy with how this page turned out, even though it does make me feel a little sad seeing how tired Jae-Hwa is. I shouldn’t torment my characters with lack of sleep so much Q^Q

  2. Haha! I said “DENIED” before to a jerk who ask me to homecoming. He said,” I did not want your ugly-a anyway. So, funny! Another weird story i fell and keep writing so I would be in touble by the teacher. She said do something!!!! Lol!!! Love how Jae-hwa is about fall a sleep standing up!!!!! X’D Great story so far.

    • I meant fell asleep in class sitting up

      • What would really suck is having a mono toned teacher in a class that was already so boring on it’s own. I hated going to that class sooooo much! That teacher also had a temper and it’s like “Well if you fluctuated your voice a little it might make things more interesting.” I think he was my science teacher and his name was Mr. Wood.
        I’m really happy to see that you’re enjoying the story. There are a lot of times where I’m working on the page and I’m looking over at it and thinking “No ones going to like this page.” or thinking that the story might not be interesting to anyone because the pace might be to fast or to slow ^^; So comments like these really helps me encourage me^^

  3. ” I didn’t want you no ways” LOL…
    Man, I’ve heard THAT one before. Random guys standing around, trying to pick up girls. When the girls ignore them they say exactly THAT. Hilarious!

    • That’s so awkward to see. It’s like everyone else can see that the girl isn’t interested in the guy and he keeps hitting on her while she tries to let him down nicely. You want to look away and not watch the whole humiliating scene go down but you just can’t look away, it’s just that painful. I know there have been some Office episodes where Micheal Scott was trying to hit on some lady and she was like no and he wasn’t getting the hint and it was so painfully awkward to watch but I just couldn’t stop watching then later it’s just hilarious.^^

  4. Hahahaha ! ! ! ” But I don’t like the PD so what do I care ? ” XD Oh and the ” DENIED ! ” was just icing on the cake ! I love it ! I’ve also been hit on like that so I get what Oriana must be feeling . I was in school and it was Valentine’s Day and a guy held the door open for me . I thanked him and walked past but as soon as I did , he called out , ” Hey baby ! Wanna be my Valentines ? ” I did what you did and kept walking and he then said , ” Hey ! I’m talking to you ! ” When he saw that I wasn’t giving him the time of day , he then said , ” I didn’t want you anyway ! ” XD Like really ? You were just hitting on me a couple of seconds ago . XD

    • Hahahaha! That’s really funny, it’s like one moment you might be thinking “Oh! He must be those gentlemen. :D” Then he says something that totally blind sides you and the you’re thinking “Ohhhh no~ Time to go.” I really want to doddle that it. I can just image the whole scene hahaha!

      • Haha ! ! ! I was so shocked at first but then I just burst out laughing when I rounded the corner . Please doodle it ! It would be hilarious ! ! ! XD


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