Ch2 14

Ch2 13

September 21, 2012

Ch2 15

September 21, 2012

6 Thoughts on Ch2 14

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  1. OH I hate it when I get caught off guard like that. Will Jae-Hwa save Oriana? Find out on the next page of Love!Love! FIGHTING! Also the new page of Bottled Price. oh man it makes me sad.

    • I wasn’t sure if anyone really cared that much about Bottled Prince or about what’s happening with Chasity and the story because I don’t really get a lot of insight feedback with Bottled Prince like I do with Love! Love! Fighting! but I think that’s probably because people might feel a little intimidated to leave feedback about the story or there feelings about the page because the sites pretty big, or at least that’s what I’m kind of telling myself. I would hate to have been doing a comic for so long and it didn’t affect anyone but myself and I even get upset or tired with it and want to stop but I really want to finish the story so I must continue on ^^; Thankfully for me the story is ending soon. There’s about 5 more chapters left:)

      • Oh thats sadness to hear it coming up. I would comment on Bottled Prince more but I always feel a bit uncomfortable doing so because I never really get a reply and I might be the only one commenting :I But I do love Bottled Prince and the latest update just made me sad and shocked that someone would do that to the prince. He still looks hot but man I wanna hurt the person who did that to him.

        • I totally understand what you mean. It’s kind of like sitting in a large crowd of people and someone ask the crowd a question but know one says the answer and even though you know it you don’t want to say it because then you stand out or everyone looks at you^^; it’s that awkwardness that drives me away too sometimes. That’s why I enjoy having my own site. I paid for it and made the layout and everything on my site is my own and I can do what I want and can connect a lot better with my audience and it feels more cozy then on a big major site that belongs to someone else with a lot of other people and you kind of get drowned out by all the other mass of people around and you feel or go unnoticed -.- don’t worry I totally understand.
          Even thought I have my comic published as a premium member I still feel like I’m unnoticed or not good enough or I still feel like a amateur^^;
          So of course I get so touched when I do see that I have people faving my story because they like it and thinks it’s good enough to read.

          It’s like all of my time and effort and work that I put in my comic is paid off a little when that happens 😀 I just appreciate everyone that leaves a comment on my main site about this story because if I wasn’t getting any feedback at all I’d think somethings wrong with me or the story and that I should just stop while I’m ahead. Of course since I love this story I can’t base whether I finish it or not on the amount of feedback I get because my love for my stories are much deeper than that 😉
          ….my comment response can get way to long sometimes…..

  2. Wait ! You’re pissed she’s not sticking to the script ? But that’s what makes the program fun ! Un-edited talking ! XD Love the page ! ! ! ( ^ ___ ^ )b P.S. Yay ! ! ! I can’t wait for ” Bottled Prince ” to be updated ! It feels like I’ve been waiting forever ! XD

    • It’s been so a little rough trying to do two comics plus working on a visual novel and other graphic design commissions but with things settling down I’m a little relieved to be able to finally finish Bottled Prince soon ^^ The wait shall soon be over, Yay~ =D


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3