Ch2 7

Ch2 6

August 3, 2012

Ch2 8

August 3, 2012

29 Thoughts on Ch2 7

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  1. But i looooovvvveeee the puff bunnies! I want one! They show a softer side to Prince Lonelle who seems kinda stoic …(and hot ^o^)
    You know what they say…Real man have magic puff bunnies!I kinda want to put him back in the bottle and have him all to myself!

    • I saw you’re fan art! I really like it and I hope you don’t mind that I put it up on my fan art section of my site. I also have your name and a link to your website on there too! Thank you again for drawing me those fan art doodles! I keep going back and reading them over and over.

  2. Great manga desIterves fan art!It was only a matter of time before I got the itch to do one. I was a little scared to do one for bottled prince.. i can see myself getting eaten or something or having my soul sucked out.-_-

    • That is true. ^^ It would be hard to do any kind of fanart for Bottled Prince. It really took an extremely different turn. Even my sister got freaked out by it but the puff bunnies also sacred her so I’m not sure how I should judge that.

  3. I can’t figure out what looks better… Jaw Ha or that cup of noodles he’s holding ?^o^
    Also, why can’t I find a hot guy under a table!
    It’s not fair!
    So I made a fan art on my new blog for my own selfish entertainment. It may become my new hobby.
    I had to pass the time somehow…T-T

    • Thank you so much! I read your blog post and loved both of them! I remember I had a friend who use to wear her hair out in a little afro and kids would throw paper in it while in class. I remember glaring at them telling them to stop and picked the paper out of her hair so she wouldn’t get embarrassed. It definitely reminded me of my school days^^; I also love the fan art! It’s my first fan art for Love! Love! Fighting! so I’ll have to make a special page for it, that is if it’s okay if I post it up on my site to, of course linking to your blog post too ^^

    • Is there a way to leave a comment on your blog with just my site url? It looks like I have to have one of the other blogging platforms to leave a comment ;^;


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