Ch3 10

Ch3 9

February 22, 2013

Ch3 11

February 22, 2013

13 Thoughts on Ch3 10

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  1. Poor Oriana. The only ones who can speak english are her worst nightmares. Get well soon and I would love to see personal interviews with the characters. And Queenie is so cute <3

    • I’m glad we have another vote for the personal interview questions! If you have any that you’d like to ask them feel free to send me an email of them or leave the questions in the comment section and I can add that and the answers in the book. I forgot to put the deadline above so I’ll go put it now but the deadline is April 1 to turn in all the questions. I was trying to get her to talk a little louder but she was being a little shy so hopefully you could hear her well enough. ^^; She’s cute but she has a defiant dark side to her that many people don’t see because she goes around smiling at them and tilting her head and giggling =_= I’ve tried to warn people but I don’t think they believe me.

      • We all have our darksides. I know I’m one of them cuz I act innocent sometimes and then my evil self will come out sometimes. ^^

  2. Hhaaha That would be my first reaction too…then I might cry╭(╯ε╰)╮  lol

    • Hahaha! I had a friend who’s dad did not like the people who were dressed up in the cartoon suites at the amusement parks because he didn’t know who was in them or whatever reason he had said. So when one of them came over to us at the amusement park he moved so fast to get away from them, that I was a little shocked how quick and fast he moved because he was really up in age but he was really quick on his feet to kind of twist and hop and move away. It was very funny XD

  3. Hahaha ! ! ! They are so adorable but her expression is just like , ” Oh crap ! ” XD Ihope your surgery went okay ! ( ^ ___ ^ )

    • Thank you Tashayia =D It was only very minor surgery so I have a wrap around my arm and I took some pain pills so I’m hanging in there ^^ My sister and Oriana kind of have the same reaction to some of the cute things that I’ve made. Like the puff bunnies from Bottled Prince, well my sister thinks they’re scary and thinks they might attack her or go crazy or something like the evil feerbies

  4. First Oriana gets lost and then these creeepily cute things attack her?! ;_;
    Doesn’t she know it’s dangerous to go into the high grass? There might be Pokémo- eh… mascotts out there! *g* 😉
    (And I really, really like her expressions! <3 Finally a heroine who is not perfect, but all the more likeable!)

    • Hahaha!! It’s a weird flaw of Oriana’s but cute things with cute eye’s terrify her so I’m sure if she ever came across a cute pokemon like pikachu then she would probably flip out and go screaming and running. She would probably be the one to catch the scary looking pokemon ^^ I should include a pokemon doddle of her in the book just for fun <3 I would have to base it off the first generation of Pokemon because I know that one the best. It would be interesting thinking up of what pokemon's would match each of them.


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3