Vertical scrolling webtoons are made from regular comic pages stacked on top of each other on mobile responsive platforms like Tapas or Webtoon.
Individual panels are then stretched to fill the image file and typically for my webtoon I just do two panels per image file.
In order to create a vertical scrolling webtoon I’d recommend having your canvas size 1600 wide x 4600 tall pixels.

LINE Webtoon publishing requires your webtoon format to be 800 x 1280 but that size is too small to draw in and your images will look blurry.
This is why I draw my webtoon in the 1600×4600 format with Clip Studio Paint EX.

Webtoons are basically created with multiple image files stacked on top of each other when uploaded onto platforms like Tapas or LINE.
So what I like to do in Clip Studio Paint EX is use their story page feature so I can have multiple files and I will draw about 2 panels within each file.

After I have it saved I will either crop it manually within Clip Studio Paint or I will use Croppy site to quickly resize and format my images to fit LINE or Tapas upload requirement.

If you like to draw your webtoon on 8 x 11 in paper or A5 paper then you can just take a picture of your page and upload it onto croppy and it will format it for you to upload on to LINE Webtoon as well.

The drawing table that I use for my webtoon would be my Wacom Cintiq as well as my iPad but I recommend starting off with a graphic tablet for beginners.

You don’t want to have to break the bank when you’re first starting out and graphic tablets are more comfortable to draw with and add less stress on the wrist as opposed to using a mouse.

That’s not to say you can’t use a mouse or whatever you have at you have available, as long as you can get a story drawn then you can post and share it online.
It’s not the tools that make the artist but the artist determination and dedication that makes the artist.
What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!