How to make a Webtoon Comic

How to make a Webtoon Comic

Webtoon artist like me actually make long vertical webtoon comics with multiple individual files comic pages stacked on top of each other using programs like Clip Studio Paint or Krita.

Clip Studio Paint

Back in the early 2000’s webcomics weren’t as mobile responsive along with websites so if you wanted to read only comics they would be posted in a horizontal newspaper format because that’s what was most common I suppose.

With webtoon comics they are just vertically stacked 1-2 panel comic pages which is still quite similar to newspaper comics just again stacked differently~

So webtoons on LINE Webtoon and Tapas Platform aren’t actually 1 long page but actually multiple split up panel images sized around 800 px by 1280px

Clip Studio Paint is the program I as well as other comic creators use to draw our webtoons but there is a great FREE alternative.

Krita has a lot of similar comic centric features that Clip Studio Paint but my most favorite is the image slicer feature.

Krita free alternative to Clip Studio Paint

This image slicer feature makes it super easy to slice our webtoons into smaller pieces and it automatically saves each individual slice for you.

Webtoon Comic Panel Format Tips

So if you want to draw your webtoon in one long strip and easily split it into multiple images all in one program then you can easily do that with Krita!

Now in order to upload your webtoon onto LINE or Tapas platform you need to go to their site in an internet browser and not their app.

how to upload webtoon on phone

Also make sure you click the request desktop version of their site if you are using the internet browser on your mobile device.

What should you do next?

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

I also have a free ebook where I cover how to make, publish and monetize a webtoon comic for beginners!

How to make a Webtoon Guide

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!

AMBW and BWAM manga manhwa webtoon
Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! AMBW Webtoon Comic

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