Okay….so I’m about to say something that might sound a little weird to my fellow artist peers….
Cymera is a great photo editing app with a great color balance feature to use to give that extra pop for your art pictures for instagram.

….When I say it out loud it doesn’t sound so weird. With photo editing app you can use it to crop and adjust the contrast of the photos your take of your art or traditional comic pages.
Not everyone has a scanner available or a computer to upload their images or traditional art into and edit that way.

Some of us do have scanners and a computer but are currently doodling on the couch while watching anime, eating twizzlers….(Totally not me…….)
So having a photo editing app to use on our phone to quickly edit photos of our artwork is very convenient!
My Favorite app for editing photos of my art~
The app I love to use on my phone to edit the pictures of my artwork that I take with my phone is called Cymera~

This app is technically a beauty camera app but I noticed that the tone and contrast filters in this app works really well with art photos too!
I share my artwork on instagram and sometimes I’ll make random doodles around the house in my sketchbook.

So being able to pull out my phone and take a photo of my art and then adjust the contrast and color balance of my artwork all on my phone with their beauty filter app is just such a time saver for me!

You guys should really try it out! Even if you don’t want to use Cymera I recommend just trying out any Beauty camera app because those filters work wonders on the color value of art photos!
If you’ve ever taken a photo of your artwork with your phone you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say it looks dull and grey…it’s like the camera doesn’t do the artwork any justice!

So that’s where the beauty filter comes to the rescue! It’s a win-win!
What should you do next?
If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!