
January 3, 2014

Ch 5-18

January 3, 2014

44 Thoughts on CH 5 -17

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  1. I need more. I am in love with this story. Oriana reminds me of a friend of mine who I adore and at other times remind me of myself. I know that I’ll be purchasing all volumes of Love! Love! Fighting! Keep living your dream. I can’t say enough how inspiring you are to people who’s left a comment.

    I found your comic from a Facebook group I’m in yesterday and read everything up to date. The characters are so real to me. I like how you draw from your own life experiences and implement them into Oriana’s storyline in some way, shape, and form.

    Hey, when creating your comic, do you write the storyline out first then draw or draw the panels then fill in the story? I find the process of comics fascinating.

    SN: I have twin nephews who are 4 and a lot of fun.

    • Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much for your touching comment, like seriously, when I was reading it I was just smiling so big <3 I've been so happy and blessed to receive all of this feedback, I've been so use to it being a little quite around here so I thought I was kind of all alone but I'm so happy to see so many people who like what I'm doing so far <3 The Support is just amazing!

      Now for my comic creation, I write up the whole script first, like all the way down to what will go on a panel for one who page. I number how many panels will be on the page while I'm writing it and then that way I know how many pages one whole book will be. Like right now I'm still working on perfecting volume 2 but I plan on it being 200+ pages. Thank you so much for asking, there is actually going to be an interview posted on another site where some more questions on my comic process will be covered. I'll make sure to link to it so you can read it as well <3

      My two little boys are a lot of funny and crazy too. One's really light, almost to where he looks white and the other is just a little bit darker then me, kind of like a chocolate brown color, so I'm sure you can imagine peoples surprise when I first gave birth to my darker child then all of a sudden a light one comes out right after it. My sisters were like "Awww" When they saw the other they were like "Ooohhhh!" They were not expecting that at all

      • Yes, that would be awesome if you could send me the link to your interview once you have it. I’ll be looking forward to it. I can see it takes a lot of work to do what you do and its amazing.

        Ah, fraternal twins! This:)ysteries of life. (^_^) My nephews are identical but I can tell them apart. Thanks for sharing that with me. I love learning people’s story. You definitely earned another fan. Level up! Lol. 🙂

  2. This interesting. Oriana might be the new model.

  3. I am absolutely loving this! I just found this today and it’s awesome! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
    Me and Oriana are very similar (I can’t help but think that if this were made in live action I’d be a fit for the role…oh silly me lol)
    Keep it up! <3

    By the way I was linked by an AMBW page on facebook, I think one of the admins is a fan!

    • Thank you so much Jasmine, I don’t know what I would do if this were actually picked up into a live action drama ^^; I’ll probably make a visual novel kind of based off of this or something someday ^^; but for now I’m so happy that you and so many others are enjoying my comic. I’ll have to do some searching on there to see if I can find the admin so that I can thank them <3

  4. Hey! Happy new year and x-mas!” This sound like fun the model photoshot guy is just one step close making this chapter sillier lol. Good work!! ^√^


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3