Ch2 9

Ch2 8

August 17, 2012

Ch2 10

August 17, 2012

11 Thoughts on Ch2 9

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  1. And there’s another reason I loathe that girl. Ooo she irritates me. May Karma bite her in the butt and never let go.

    • I wanted to try to have a more solid reason as to why Tail-Jun didn’t like Oriana or picked on her so hopefully this new story revision helps to show that better. I wanted to avoid the whole mean girl with no reason issue ^^; Still it’s funny that she still comes off as annoying haha! =D Tail-Jun is not the easiest person to get along with.

      • Then again I think I might have misread your comment and now I think you might be talking about Krisa and not Tail-jun hahaha! Forgive me for misunderstanding I just now realized that^^; Krisa does fit the annoying young cousin mold =D

  2. Yay ! Another update ! ! ! Crap ! And she almost had it too ! What ? ! A pig ? ! Oh no she didn’t ! If only Oriana didn’t have jet lag ! If only ! XD P.S. I have never been ” food blocked ” ! I honestly think the only reason why I haven’t is because I always end up giving away my food before I even finish it . I get full fast ! XD

    • I’m glad you’re still enjoying the updates so far=D I know when I’m super tired after working long hours or from traveling I’m super sluggish and loopy in the head that I don’t know what’s up or down so I can only image some of the things Oriana is going through after that flight hahaha! It’s fun coming up with Oriana’s dialogue so I’m really going to enjoy writing up the script when she’s much more active. ^^

  3. Gasp! Did she just say what I think she said! She just called her a pig! Well, looks like someones going to be getting insulted the next page. Good job though,I really like how exciting the story is.I’d do that, but I suck at drawing and get embarrassed whenever I’m done, but I’ll try to draw a picture of oriana.

    • Er,I meant I would do fan art, but I can barely dread, but I’ll try.

      • Thank you Makiashi! I enjoy all of the fan art that I receive so don’t be afraid to draw me any because of your experience level. Since you’re taking your time out to draw something for me out of the kindness of your own heart then it’s a very special drawing and just as good of a drawing of anyone else because of the thought put behind that piece of art work^^ I really love looking at others artwork so it’s a very big thing for me to receive fan art because I know how tough drawing can be so Thank you so much!

    • Hahaha! Unfortunately there won’t be any smart remarks on the next page from Oriana. The jet leg and shock from Tail-Juns fluent English put her a little slow at the quick draw but don’t worry once Oriana gets a good nights rest and some food in her stomach she’ll be back to her normal quick tongued and smart mouthed self ^^; not sure if that’s a good thing or not…

  4. The pain of loosing food! Its more painful that you can not steal from your friends bc they dont have food!!! Lucky Oriana!

    • It’s painful but I’ve also had times where I would laugh at my sisters because one would take the last bite of whatever they were eating and the other would just throw such a fit and be close to tears. =D It’s weird that it’s funny but it’s just something about watching a person flip out over something so small that it makes you laugh sometimes^^ hahaha!


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