Ch6 Page 13

Ch6 Page12

August 22, 2014

Ch6 Page 14

August 22, 2014

13 Thoughts on Ch6 Page 13

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  1. Yay! Big sis to the rescue! ????

  2. Poor things . . .

  3. That’s just awful. I really feel
    for them >.<

    • I know what you mean Q^Q You can imagine how sad I was even typing up this script >__<

  4. I got the pdfs and I started crying and crying and crying Q^Q. Its just to sad man to saaaad</3 TAT But i love it all the saaaame <3 Also i heard you was giving away free samples of stuff?

    • Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you liked it! Send me an email so we can talk more XD I’d love to hear more on your thoughts and I can tell you more about the free samples ;D I’m almost out~


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3