Ch6 Page 14

Ch6 Page 13

August 27, 2014

Ch6 Page 15

August 27, 2014

8 Thoughts on Ch6 Page 14

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  1. This definitely speaks to me on a personal level. My hair was never straight like my friends (who were white or always had straight beautiful hair). I had to learn to accept my kinky curliness in all of it’s ways and I totally feel for the two little ones here. Especially if they don’t hear how beautiful their hair really is on a regular basis.

    • That is so true! A lot of people who haven’t had to deal with what a lot of our sisters had to grow up dealing with won’t really understand just how important representation means. I’m so happy to know that you’re enjoying your beautiful kinky, curly hair <3 CurlFriends!

  2. This hits home hard. I always tried to straighten my hair so that people would think I’m pretty. My hair was damaged because of this and I started to develop some serious self-hate. Now that I’m gone natural, I’m more comfortable with my appearance. I’m really enjoying this chapter because I could see myself in Oriana, size and everything
    . Your work is helping with my self-esteem, I hope that doesn’t sound weird.

    • No! It doesn’t sound weird at all!! Thank you so much for telling me this! It’s such an encouraging thing to see and it just really makes my day so much brighter to know that my story is being of help to someone else! You’re such a sweetheart! Sending virtual hugs your way! <3

  3. this part touched base with me because i always had relaxed hair all my life it was only until 2 years ago i decided to give up relaxers and grow my hair naturally.

    • I’m glad Brittany <3 I was so curious to know the kind of reaction I would get with this chapter ^^; I've been natural for about 6-7 years I think. My little cousin and a few others love their relaxers and that's totally fine with me. It's their hair but I would like to just do a comic to help them feel a little better if they feel like they're are having a bad hair day because even when I did have a relaxer I still had bad hair day's or day's where I just hated my hair ^^;

  4. This page is both sad and happy for me >o< Cause so many folks wondered why I wanted "nappy hair" rather than the smooth, relaxed hair alot of Black girls had and I was like "Because I'm beautiful with this hair. I'm not ONLY beautiful when my hair is straight; that's putting a condition on Black Beauty. That you're only Beautiful as a black person if your hair is straight and that's not true"

    ((Also, i think you meant "We didn't mean to make a mess" rather than "We did mean to make a mess" when the girls speak to Oriana))

    • ACK!! Thank you for pointing that out to me! I’m so glad you caught that before I got the fines approved with amazon! Q^Q That would have been so embarrassing, unfortunately I already sent the PDF’s out to all of my backers but I hope it doesn’t bother them too bad Q^Q the woe’s of being a 1 woman comic artist team.
      And what you said was so beautifully put! We need to help encourage our little sisters and big sisters <3 We can do it!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3