3 Simple Ways to Get More Attention to Your Webtoon

3 Simple Ways to Get More Attention to Your Webtoon

Image SEO platforms like Pinterest as well as social media platforms like Tiktok or Instagram are great platforms to use to get more views to your webtoon.

LINE Webtoon Canva Monthly Pageviews

I learned that utilizing other platform algorithm along with consistency, frequency and having a managable workload was what really helped me increase views for my webtoon on Canva and my own website.

My Website growth utilizing image SEO and social media platforms

Have you just started publishing you webtoon on LINE but you’ve realize that you’re not getting much attention because you’re view count isn’t growing as much as you’d like.

Don’t worry I’ve been there before and it can get discouraging but don’t throw in the towel just yet because you’re actually already doing one of the main things that play a role in increasing views for your webtoon; you’re staying consistent.

Consistency is Key to help Increase Your Webtoon Views

The biggest lesson I’ve learned through experience is to just start publishing your webtoon on LINE or Tapas or whichever publishing platform of your interest instead of over analyzing everything till I’m blue in the face. 

I’ve written a blog post covering my Top 5 places you can publish your webtoon online.

where to publish a webcomic

The next step is to continue to post and consistency plays a big role. Through some research by studying the Canva section of webtoon and based off what LINE webtoon recommends for how often to update.

The more frequently you update that helps increase your chances at whatever algorithm they’re using to find your work and share it with more readers which will then help increases your views for your webtoon.

So stay consistent with your webtoon updates to help be noticed by their algorithm since they haven’t officially released much information on how their algorithm works.

How Frequently should you update your webtoon to increase views?

On LINE webtoon suggestion page they recommend updating once a week but they also recommend your updates being 35 panels long.

Now for me personally that’s not an easy thing but for others that’s not a problem at all. 

how to upload webtoon on phone

I’m currently at 6000 subscribers and 50,000 total views and I’ve been posting once a month since September of 2019

Now I have seen others that post more frequently and at a higher panel count and they’re already at over 60,000 subscribers and 100,000 views total which is awesome!

Since I update once a month my webtoon panel count is usually around 18-20. I know I can’t stay consistent with an update frequency not workload that’s any higher than that at this current moment but I am working to increase my speed.

webtoon promotion marketing advice

Now how has that effected my views? I’ve personally haven’t seen any negative effect and my views have continued to go up with each update.

Finished Not Perfect

The key is being able to balance frequency, workload and consistency. All of these help you to increase the views for your webtoon.

Also don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon! I have days, weeks and months where I just can’t work on anything.

At the end of the day I have to remind myself that I’m doing this because I enjoy creating and sharing my stories and to enjoy the process.

You know that saying, time files faster when you’re having fun, right? I try to keep that in mind for myself. I want to finish what I’m drawing in a fun way and not stress over the illusion of art/story perfection.

webtoon panel tutorial

So we can both work on allowing ourselves to be human and accept our flaws and mistakes while enjoying the webtoon creator journey together!

What should you do next?

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment down below and I’d be happy to answer them!

I also have a free ebook where I cover how to make, publish and monetize a webtoon comic for beginners!

How to make webtoon comic guide

Also if you’re looking for a wholesome, fake marriage trope, AMBW manga webtoon to read to pass the time then you might want to check out Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me!

AMBW and BWAM manga manhwa webtoon
Catch Me! Fight Me! Love Me! AMBW Webtoon comic

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