Ch2 20

Ch2 19

October 26, 2012

Ch2 21

October 26, 2012

29 Thoughts on Ch2 20

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  1. This guy is making me blush a bit ….lol

    • I can kind of relate to that because it was really embarrassing for me to do this page because it was such a mushy scene =^-^=;

    • I agree im just goofy smiling on my side ….like wtf…soo cutte

  2. I didn’t see any problems with the redo. The character’s dialogue felt exactly like what the individual characters themselves would say. The panels transitioned well into the being easy to follow along and I loved the characterization. Jae-hwa is very sweet. I love this manga.

    • Thank you Martha ^^ That’s reassuring to know because when I was working on this page I had to keep rearranging the bubbles and was bothered that it might be confusing which bubble to read ^^;

  3. He’s so sweet…and it is a word, just no ‘i’. Humane is what i think you were going for. I write for fun so I find myself putting a lot of ‘He’s, they’re, She’ll, etc.’ just because it comes more naturally.

    • That’s definitely something that I’ve been looking more into, all the different types of writing styles. I really admire those who are able to write really good novels or use there words so beautifully, I know one of the main reasons why I decided to draw comics instead of write novels is because I struggle so much with my words ^^; I even had to go to speech class when I was younger because I was having such a hard time. It’s gotten a lot better now but I still have my issues from time to time ^^;
      I’m glad to have such helpful and intelligent readers coming to my site to help me =D I truly appreciate that!


I might not be able to respond to all comments but I do read and appreciate each one. Thank you for understanding <3